Meet Dr. Kelly Horton
I have always been fascinated by relationships and their effect on human behavior. As a child of divorce, I developed an early interest in why some marriages lasted while others did not. When I was younger, this interest manifested in combing through marriage advice columns to a brief stint as an engagement coach and wedding planner. Though I took a minor detour in corporate America and entrepreneurship, I soon realized that a career in therapy could combine my unique skills and interests.
After pursuing forensic psychology and child-family psychology as an undergraduate, I made the decision to work towards a Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) license. My dissertation focused primarily on gender bias in child custody issues from the perspective of Black fathers. However, the research I did throughout school provided invaluable insight into parenting styles, couples issues, and family systems in general. As a therapist, I incorporate this foundational understanding and cultural awareness into a therapeutic approach that helps my clients have better connections and, thus, better lives.
Who I Work With
Though much of my early career as a therapist was spent working with couples, I have since pivoted into individual counseling, wherein I offer tailored interpersonal guidance to people from all walks of life. Through a relationship lens, I help my clients improve their mental health, strengthen connections, manage life transitions, and achieve their highest potential.
Whether you are looking for guidance in overcoming life’s obstacles, enhancing your career, maintaining healthy relationship dynamics, or in need of empathetic support from a fellow POC, I am here to walk alongside you on your journey.
Faith, Believe, Grow
In the process of becoming a PsyD, I encountered numerous professional and personal hurdles and challenges. I had to navigate barriers that were specific to me as a Black female clinician, which tested my resilience on more than one occasion. But when I realized that I had a place in the community—that I belonged—I developed the faith in myself that I needed to be successful. Witnessing this change and growth in real-time, I began to believe that anything is possible through reflection, connection, and determination.
Faith, Believe, and Grow are the three words you’ll see hanging on my office wall, and they are three words that lay the foundation for my practice. I operate from the perspective that if you can improve your relationships and overcome unhealthy patterns, you can enjoy a happier, more fulfilled life.
Working together, we can identify your specific individual concerns, explore how they are connected to your attachments, and develop practical solutions for positive change. With the insights and skills you gain in counseling, you will be able to better communicate boundaries and achieve your needs.
My Approach
Because I believe that relationships are the bedrock of our life experience, I aim to make our therapeutic relationship as empathetic and compassionate as possible. My clients have often commented on my special ability to connect, and my direct, accessible communication style allows me to model effective communication behaviors that help them to succeed. I truly believe that all things are possible, a concept that has been evident in my clients’ personal growth and transformation.
Valuing Both Personal And Professional Relationships
When I’m not working, I love spending time at home engaging in my hobbies. Free time is often devoted to cooking, reading, or sewing, and in fact, I recently sewed a suit for my son’s senior prom. I’ve been with my partner for 27 years, and we are parents to five wonderful kids. Because we are a blended family, I have additional insight into issues of divorce and family dynamics. We have created a strong, fulfilling family unit, which gives me an even deeper understanding of what healthy, successful relationships look like.
Improve Your Connections, Improve Your Life
If you’re looking for guidance on your relationships, career, or culturally specific barriers, I can offer meaningful insight and perspective. To learn more, contact me.
Kelly Horton, PsyD, counsels individuals throughout California and Florida. After receiving a Bachelor of Arts in psychology and cultural studies from JFK University, Kelly went on to Alliant International University (formerly the California School of Professional Psychology). There, she earned a Masters in Clinical Psychology and became a Doctor of Psychology (PsyD). Kelly has ample experience working across cultures and primarily treats her clients through a relationship lens.